Winter Tackle Care – by Captain Mike Roy

Simple maintenance over the winter will insure that your gear is ready to go for spring fishing. Here are a few tips that can help save you frustration in the spring.

  • Thoroughly clean, disassemble and lightly oil rods and reels. I use the Shimano Oil that comes with my reel. This is also a great time to send your reels in for service and have your drags and bearings serviced. Shimano has an excellent service center!
  • Inspect all rod guides for cracks, replace any cracked or loose guides and tip tops.
  • Strip old line off reels and re-spool with fresh line.
  • Clean out all tackle boxes, replace any rusted terminal gears. You can clean surface rust by using an Brillo pad.
  • Clean all knives, pliers and lures.  
  • Replace split rings and hooks on lures.
  • Clean out foul weather gear. Be sure to use a detergent that is made specifically for waterproof material.
  • Purchase new gear well in advance to insure you are ready for the spring run! Support your local shop!
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